Underlying Standards that Support Population Health Improvement

7 years ago

Jointly written by IHE members, HIMSS, Laura Bright and Johanna Goderre, this book highlights success stories and challenges to implementing health IT standards.  The narrative of each chapter demonstrates how standards further interoperable health data exchange, especially in the service of advancing tools to monitor population health. These are critical stories that demonstrate to an international community of health and IT experts how to bring the right stakeholders together and bridge classic divides between software architects and clinical end users, health system decision-makers and standard authors.


  • Informs readers about the unique perspective of implementing standards that one creates to better explain the "why" behind standards, testing of standards, and how to ensure better end-user experiences
  • Traces the genesis development, and initial deployment, and initial deployments of the open source health information exchange.
  • Discusses how the state of Oregon has implemented the IHE Quality, Research, and Public Health (QRPH) Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) profile to receive live newborn screening results electronically from a partner hospital's electronic health records system (EHRs).
  • Describes the Title X Family Planning program, administered by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Population Affairs (OPA).
  • Examines how the use of standards and consistent methods of data capture for immunizations can improve individual health and public health by providing more accurate and timely data on rates of immunizations, reducing precautionary vaccination, inventory and program management, and identification of populations at risk.

The book can be purchased online or at the HIMSS 2018 Annual Conference bookstore. 



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