Advancing Interoperability for Emergency Medicine Services

IHE USA (powered by HIMSS) and NEMSIS (powered by NHTSA’s Office of EMS) are partnering to advance interoperability for EMS Systems to better support First Responders, Emergency Medicine Services, and Disaster Response. The EMS community can advance interoperability by leveraging existing interoperability standards, regulatory building blocks, and health IT infrastructure which will accelerate the modernization of EMS systems and improved interoperability to inform analytics, business intelligence and improved patient health outcomes.
IHE PCC Subworkgroup for EMS: EMS GitHub
Join the EMS Interoperability TaskForce
IHE@HIMSS23 - Come see us in the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase
NEMSIS & IHE EMS eOutcomes Task Force Schedule
Monthly, 2nd Thursday, 11a–12:30p MT
Feb 16: Identifying data exchange partners and establishing relationships
Mar 9: Governmental, regulatory, and contractual environment
Apr 13: Regulatory environment and national networks recap
May 11: Healthcare data standards
June 8: Technical standards and profiles to use in data exchanges
July 13: Data elements to be shared and parsed
Aug 10: APIs
Sep 14: Sequence of interactions/workflow
Oct 12: Patient identification and record matching
Upcoming Events:
The NEMSIS Annual v3 Implementation Meeting will be held on August 22nd - 24th, 2023.
Questions about participating in any of these initiatives can be directed to